Top 5 Minecraft 1.14 Seeds! These are the best Minecraft Seeds for Minecraft 1.14.4 on PC or Java – The Village & Pillage Update. These seeds are all different and may feature pillager outposts, bamboo jungles, villages, shipwrecks, temples, and more! For more epic seeds be sure to check out my Minecraft Seed Showcases or other Top Minecraft seeds videos! Thanks for watching!
Seed 5: Spruce Village Coral Reef Seed
Seed ID: 673900667
Village: x: (140) y: (67) z: (110)
Shipwreck: x: (335) y: (52) z: (85)
Coral Reef: x: (435) y: (54) z: (0)
Seed 4: Desert Temple Village Seed
Seed ID: -6922807177869922340
Village/Temple: x: (-330) y: (64) z: (70)
Zombie Spawner: x: (-385) y: (64) z: (60)
Zombie Village: x: (-590) y: (75) z: (-165)
Village: x: (-500) y: (65) z: (-200)
Desert Temple: x: (-505) y: (72) z: (-420)
Pillager Outpost: x: (-1165) y: (72) z: (-365)
Stronghold: x: (-1397) y: (31) z: (55)
Seed 3: Triple Island Monument Seed
Seed ID: 6073041046072376055
Ocean Monument: x: (260) y: (39) z: (110)
Shipwreck (Need to clear out area): x: (260) y: (39) z: (125)
Icebergs: x: (299) y: (63) z: (-98)
Mesa & Above Water Ocean Ruins: x: (-180) y: (69) z: (45)
Pillager Outpost: x: (-660) y: (64) z: (-350)
Village: x: (-850) y: (70) z: (-420)
Spider Spawner 1: x: (-885) y: (69) z: (-405)
Spider Spawner 2: x: (-917) y: (68) z: (-382)
Seed 2: Jungle Island Seed
Seed ID: 2134524087090880495
Shipwreck: x: (50) y: (63) z: (-225)
Ocean Ruin: x: (80) y: (35) z: (-200)
Jungle Temple: x: (225) y: (63) z: (-290)
Bamboo Jungle Temple: x: (1150) y: (65) z: (-160)
Ice Spikes: x: (-420) y: (72) z: (-175)
Igloo: x: (-205) y: (66) z: (140)
Seed 1: Outpost and Village Seed
Seed ID: 4469121359717752493
Village: x: (-285) y: (71) z: (-320)
Pillager Outpost: x: (-160) y: (73) z: (-135)
Mineshaft: x: (-260) y: (19) z: (-120)
Skeleton Spawner: x: (-235) y: (35) z: (-85)
Igloo: x: (675) y: (72) z: (710)
Village: x: (690) y: (64) z: (690)