MY MINECRAFT SEED: The akirby80 Minecraft Seed! This is a Minecraft Seed Showcase. This seed features villages, ravines, spawners, witch huts, ocean monuments, and a stronghold. I will be posting more Minecraft Seed Reviews and Minecraft Seed Showcases in the future so stay tuned! I hope you enjoy this Minecraft seed video!
Seed Code:
- Ravine: x: (-243) y: (38) z: (260)
- Skeleton Spawner: x: (-237) y: (37) z: (148)
- Zombie Spawner: x: (-249) y: (35) z: (188)
- Village: x: (-415) y: (63) z: (527)
- Village: x: (-798) y: (73) z: (498)
- Ocean Monument: x: (-967) y: (56) z: (-823)
- Ocean Monument: x: (-1256) y: (56) z: (-824)
- Stronghold: x: (-1085) y: (40) z: (-995)
- Witch Hut: x: (795) y: (63) z: (3)
- Witch Hut: x: (861) y: (64) z: (-177)