TOP 10 SURVIVAL ISLAND SEEDS For Minecraft 1.17! (Minecraft Java Edition Seeds)

Top 10 survival island seeds for Minecraft 1.17! Minecraft Java Edition Seeds! These seeds all feature survival island spawn locations and may feature more things like an ocean monument, shipwreck, village, mushroom island, coral reef, or more! For more epic seeds be sure to check out my Minecraft Seed Showcases or other Top Minecraft seeds videos! Thanks for watching! This video was sponsored by Dragon City. #MinecraftSeeds#Minecraft#MinecraftSeed#CavesAndCliffs
​Seed 10: Forest Island
Seed ID: 9109955763813480375
Survival Island: x: (-250) y: (65) z: (-50)
Ocean Monument: x: (-320) y: (56) z: (30)
Mushroom Island: x: (-50) y: (67) z: (-450)
Mushroom Island: x: (750) y: (63) z: (210)

Seed 9: Big Island Near Shipwrek/Village Island
Seed ID: -6970814370119682611
Survival Island: x: (0) y: (67) z: (-100)
Island Village: x: (150) y: (67) z: (-150)
Shipwreck: x: (135) y: (63) z: (-100)
Ocean Monument: x: (335) y: (56) z: (-205)
Ocean Monument: x: (145) y: (56) z: (130)
Ruined Portal: x: (130) y: (31) z: (200)
Ocean Monument/Ocean Ruin/Shipwreck: x: (-300) y: (56) z: (-270)

Seed 8: Flat Island
Seed ID: 4641168397930015564
Survival Island: x: (-200) y: (63) z: (50)
Coral Reef: x: (-250) y: (52) z: (0)
Ocean Monument: x: (-275) y: (56) z: (-240)
Seed 7: 3 Tree Island
Seed ID: -1902553722525892606
Survival Island: x: (250) y: (74) z: (200)
Ocean Monument: x: (175) y: (56) z: (275)
Shipwreck: x: (150) y: (37) z: (305)

Seed 6: Coral Reef
Seed ID: -2757156965699600434
Survival Island: x: (100) y: (70) z: (200)
Shipwreck: x: (50) y: (40) z: (200)
Amethyst Geode: x: (125) y: (28) z: (160)
Coral Reef: x: (100) y: (50) z: (100)
Ruined Portal: x: (150) y: (31) z: (350)
Ocean Monument: x: (270) y: (56) z: (155)

Seed 5: 2 Tree Island
Seed ID: 1178685028526408926
Survival Island: x: (65) y: (69) z: (265)
Ocean Monument: x: (125) y: (56) z: (145)
Shipwreck: x: (135) y: (40) z: (265)

Seed 4: Hill Island
Seed ID: 6511234848934529785
Survival Island: x: (50) y: (72) z: (10)
Ocean Monument: x: (80) y: (56) z: (125)
Ruined Portal: x: (10) y: (36) z: (100)

Seed 3: Big Island
Seed ID: 3630813193035445164
Survival Island: x: (-225) y: (67) z: (-50)
Ocean Ruin: x: (-225) y: (50) z: (-270)
Ocean Monument: x: (-865) y: (56) z: (575)

Seed 2: Two Ocean Monuments
Seed ID: 145003786848267366
Survival Island: x: (0) y: (71) z: (200)
Ocean Monument: x: (145) y: (56) z: (65)
Shipwreck: x: (225) y: (35) z: (50)
Ocean Monument: x: (-175) y: (56) z: (275)
Shipwreck: x: (-350) y: (31) z: (260)

Seed 1: Iceberg Island
Seed ID: 7394359633703082526
Survival Island: x: (-225) y: (63) z: (-175)
Icebergs: x: (-160) y: (71) z: (-140)
Amethyst Geode: x: (-135) y: (34) z: (-185)
Ocean Monument: x: (-465) y: (56) z: (-300)
Village: x: (55) y: (70) z: (-200)
Shipwreck: x: (80) y: (63) z: (-240)
Ruined Portal: x: (80) y: (56) z: (-255)